CSS Generators

Your CSS code with less effort

Create a starburst shape using clip-path

Number of spikes(12)
.box {
  width: 200px;
  aspect-ratio: 1;
  clip-path: polygon(100% 50%,78.98% 57.76%,93.3% 75%,71.21% 71.21%,75% 93.3%,57.76% 78.98%,50% 100%,42.24% 78.98%,25% 93.3%,28.79% 71.21%,6.7% 75%,21.02% 57.76%,0% 50%,21.02% 42.24%,6.7% 25%,28.79% 28.79%,25% 6.7%,42.24% 21.02%,50% 0%,57.76% 21.02%,75% 6.7%,71.21% 28.79%,93.3% 25%,78.98% 42.24%);
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